Let’s face it…(pun not intended) social networking has changed the way we confront others, how we socialize behind our computers as well as in the physical, how we communicate information about ourselves privately or openly, and…how we date. Or…should I say how we play the game?
Sorry…I had to…in response to this shit…right…here, lol. I think the article I am countering has very valid points…about women. What about men?
1. privacy settings…on steroids – Men fill out little to no part of their personal profiles so they can run game under the façade that they are simply “private” people. Fact: you never see private people on Facebook…you know why? Because they are private. And…they want nothing to do with the monster that Facebook has become re: severe lack of actual privacy. He isn’t filling out his ‘About Me’ section mostly because he wants to control the flow of information. Now, I think everyone has a right to control the flow of information about themselves. I’ll admit that social networking has sort of robbed its users on the whole of this ability since we can’t monitor what person should get what information on a consistent basis. However, if it’s that effing important…quit Facebook. Shrug.
2. missing in action – Men tend to hide all their (tagged) photos so you can never ascertain what he spends his time doing or who he is doing it with. He can keep you guessing. He’ll claim that Facebook is stupid and that it’s not “real” all the while justify having a profile simply because “everyone does”. Sometimes he’ll even restrict the ability of certain women to comment on his shenanigans. He’ll chastise you for being so involved with social networking while the truth really is that he is just as involved; his efforts go towards having just enough of a presence to be deemed interesting but limiting how much you can know about him…on purpose.
3. the bipolar relationship status – The real-fake relationship status. This is my favorite. “I just put it up so girls won’t talk to me.” Pure. Existential. Bull. Shit.
It’s real because he put it on his profile and he is seeing someone (at least somewhat) exclusively but it’s fake because he’ll convince you that you have read more into it than is true…or he isn’t actually in a relationship but he wants to bait the women that are turned on by the chase, the possibility of being the one who homewrecked and got the guy. Either way he puts it in his profile with an ulterior motive…
He puts it up because he is with someone but won’t tag her name to it so that no one will know who she is and so that he can continue to run game with other girls who believe the BS about him trying to avoid being approached and pursued by these invisible stampedes of women who want him so badly. Ugh.
He also puts it up so that the 54,290,472 girls he is “dating” will ask questions because obviously they are not “the one”…if the girl he is aiming to manipulate asks about it he reads it as disappointment that she did not “make the cut” and as an affirmed interest in him and then…he can calculate his pantydropping methods.
4. mission impossible – Relentlessly he will try to get at you purely because of how you look in your profile picture…by sending a message or by poking you. In this manner he can engage a woman who is probably naturally open about who she is and what she wants without having to do any real work. In this way, Facebook eliminates the possibility of him being rejected openly in a public forum. Men hate rejection. I detest when men do this and I can only lament the situations in which some decent men have thought that this is a viable way to pursue a woman and they’ve been turned down solely based on their methodology. Welp.
5. on Venus emotions rule – As opposed to the ways in which women turn their profiles into ‘The Situation Room’ with their passive-aggressive status messages usually directed towards one man…men utilize their profiles to curse the craziness of women as a group. On Mars logic rules. It would only make sense to invite controversy by claiming something like…
“All women are crazy.”
“Chicks think they are slick.”
“Girls are so wild.”
If a woman comments or takes the bait a man KNOWS that she cares. It’s simple. Men know that comments like these will piss off the average woman or awaken the feminist inside of her at least. It’s an easy way to get comments and attract attention. Men, albeit tried and true…it still makes you a pussy. Just saying.
6. inconspicuous stalkers – Male friends of mine have confirmed that men use Facebook to figure out what chicks are doing. Since women are more easily (and regularly) called out for “being crazy” it is rarely recognized that men have a stalker gene too. Women have the problem of stalking and then vocalizing issues with what they find. Men are just better at hiding their thoughts and feelings. Men just stalk quietly while pretending not to give…A. Single. Shit.
Since I have been floored for generalizing in past posts, I’ll just suck it up and say that I am not attempting to
provide a reference regarding ALL men...just a lot of them.
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